A medical oncologist-haematologist, Dr Wong obtained his MBBS from NUS and did his residency and fellowship at the New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.
Dr Wong jointly founded the Cancer Therapeutics Research Group (CTRG), a multi-national consortium of nine institutions. He is a member of the International Education Council for Molecular Targeted Therapy for Cancer, has served on the American Society of Clinical Oncology International Affairs Committee, has been a faculty member of the International Oncology Foundation Advisory Board as well as several American Association for Cancer Research meetings on translational cancer research.
1. Allen, D. M., Kiyota, E., Wong, J. E. L., on behalf of the Health District @ Queenstown. 2024. Health District at Queenstown: Catalyst for translational research. Annals, Academy of Medicine, Singapore, 2024;53:264-7. https://ddei5-0-ctp.trendmicro.com:443/wis/clicktime/v1/query?url=https%3a%2f%2fdoi.org%2f10.47102%2fannals%2dacadmedsg.2023369&umid=AEEC7CFA-2C86-A006-8765-CF2415535092&auth=ce6a3f6d14c1e3e3f878a8a607dd7ee2cb794b08-64e4a23bc21209eebe6313f82a3cf771c501d6ac.
2. Fried, L.P., Wong, J.E.L. & Dzau, V. A global roadmap to seize the opportunities of healthy longevity. Nat Aging, December 2022. https://ddei5-0-ctp.trendmicro.com:443/wis/clicktime/v1/query?url=https%3a%2f%2fdoi.org%2f10.1038%2fs43587%2d022%2d00332%2d7&umid=AEEC7CFA-2C86-A006-8765-CF2415535092&auth=ce6a3f6d14c1e3e3f878a8a607dd7ee2cb794b08-ee07da553cccc522178b96d71e2b441ecea3dddf
3. National Academy of Medicine. 2022. Global Roadmap for Healthy Longevity. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. https://ddei5-0-ctp.trendmicro.com:443/wis/clicktime/v1/query?url=https%3a%2f%2fdoi.org%2f10.17226%2f26144&umid=AEEC7CFA-2C86-A006-8765-CF2415535092&auth=ce6a3f6d14c1e3e3f878a8a607dd7ee2cb794b08-ba49c449817437772676b41ecd53ca0949d3969c.
4. Singapore’s health-care system: key features, challenges, and shifts. Chorh Chuan Tan, Carolyn S. P. Lam, David B. Matchar, Yoong Kang Zee, John E. L. Wong. The Lancet, September 2021: doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)00252-X.
5. In Vivo and In Vitro Studies Suggest a Possible Involvement of HPV Infection in the Early Stage of Breast Carcinogenesis via APOBEC3B Induction. Ohba K, Ichiyama K, Yajima M, Gemma N, Nikaido M, Wu Q, Chong P, Mori S, Yamamoto R, Wong JE, Yamamoto N. PLoS ONE. May2014, Vol. 9 Issue 5, p1-12. 12p. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0097787.
6. Impact of older age on presentation, management and outcome of breast cancer in the multi-ethnic Asian population of Singapore. Saxena, N. Hartman, M. Hussain, Z. Pathy, N.B. Iau, P. Lee, S.C. Lee, K.M. Lim, S.E. Wong, J.E.L. Verkooijen, H.M. Journal of Geriatric Oncology. January 2011. Vol 2(1): 50-57.
7. Phase I and Biomarker Study of ABT-869, a multiple receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor, in patients with refractory solid malignancies. Chiung-Ing Wong, Tong-San Koh, Ross Soo, Septian Hartono, Choon-Hua Thng, Evelyn McKeegan, Wei-Peng Yong, Chien-Shing Chen, Soo-Chin Lee, John Wong, Robert Lim, Norita Sukri, Siew-Eng Lim, Ai-Bee Ong, Joyce Steinberg, Neeraj Gupta, Rajendra Pradhan, Rod Humerickhouse, and Boon-Cher Goh. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2009. 27: 4718 - 4726.
8. Pharmacogenetics of Breast Cancer Therapy. Sing-Huang Tan, Soo-Chin Lee, Boon-Cher Goh, John Wong. Clinical Cancer Research. 2008. 14: 8027-8041.
9. Comparative Evaluation of the Effects of Statins on Human Stem and Cancer Cells In Vitro. Gauthamn K, Richards M, Wong JE, Bongso A. International Journal of Cancer. 2007.
10. Identification of novel BRCA large genomic rearrangements in Singapore Asian breast and ovarian patients with cancer. Lim YK, Lau PT, Ali AB, Lee SC, Wong JE, Putti TC, Sng JH. Clin Genet. 2007. 71(4):331-42.
11. Drug Development in the Pacific Rim. JE Wong. Clinical Advances in Hematology & Oncology, 2006; 9(4):670-672.
12. Genetic Reclassification of Histologic Grade Delineates New Clinical Subtypes of Breast Cancer. Ivshina AV, George J, Senko O, Mow B, Putti TC, Smeds J, Lindahl T, Pawitan Y, Hall P, Nordgren H, Wong JE, Liu ET, Bergh J, Kuznetsov VA, Miller LD. Cancer Research. 2006 Nov 1;66(21):10292-10301.
13. The role of the primary-care physicians in oncology care. John EL Wong, The Lancet Oncology, Vol 6(2), 118-122, 2005.
14. Therapeutic Strategies in Gastric Cancer. Wong JEL, Ito Y, Correa P, Peeters KCMJ, van de Velde CJH, Sasako M, Macdonald J, Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol 21 (December 1 Suppl):267-279, 2003. (IF: 17.793).
15. Are patients with cancer receiving adequate treatment for thrombosis? Results from FRONTLINE. John E L Wong, Cancer Treatment Reviews, Vol 29(2), 11-13, 2003.
16. Venous thrombosis in cancer patients: Insights from the FRONTLINE survey, Ajay K Kakkar, Mark Levine, HM Pinedo, Robert Wolff, John Wong, The Oncologist, 8:381-388, 2003.
17. Docetaxel and carboplatin is an active regimen in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer:a phase II study in Caucasian and Asian patients, M Millward, M Boyer, M Lehnert, S Clarke, D Rischin, BC Goh, J Wong, E McNeil, J Bishop, Annals of Oncology, 14:449-4545, 2003.
18. Anticancer Drug Discovery and Development Throughout the World, G. Schwartsmann, M.J. Ratain, G.M. Cragg, J.E. Wong, N. Saijo, D.R. Parkinson, Y. Fujiwara, R. Pazdur, D.J. Newman, R. Dagher, L. Di Leone, Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol. 20(18s):47-59, 2002.
19. Pathological Features and BRCA1 Mutation Screening in Premenopausal Breast Cancer Patients, Chang J, Hilsenbeck S.G, Sng J-H, Wong J, Ragu G.C., Clinl Can Res, Vol 7, 1739-1742, 2001.
20. Breast Cancer in Singapore, Wong JEL JAMA, SEA. 11(6)5-6, 1995.
21. Interferon Alpha-2a and Fluorouracil in the Treatment of Patients with Advanced Esophageal Cancer, Kelsen D., Lovett D., Wong J. et al, Journal of Clinical Oncology, 10(2) : 269-274, 1992.