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Dr Kristy Fu Xinghan

Photo of Dr Kristy Fu Xinghan


  • Consultant, Division of Paediatric Critical Care, Department of Paediatrics, Khoo Teck Puat - National University Children's Medical Institute, National University Hospital


MBBS (S'pore), MMed (Paeds) (S'pore), MRCPCH (UK)


Paediatric Medicine

Clinical Disciplines/Programmes:

Paediatric Critical Care

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Dr Kristy graduated from Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, and was accepted into Paediatric Residency Programme at National University Healthcare System as the pioneer batch. She obtained her Master of Medicine (Paediatrics) and became a member of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health after 3 years of residency training as a junior resident. She successfully completed her 6-year residency programme and achieved Specialist Accreditation for Paediatric Medicine at the end of her specialist training. During her residency training, Dr Kristy was the chief resident and also completed the Singapore Chief Residency Programme organised by Healthcare Leadership College, Ministry of Health Singapore.

Dr Kristy is currently completing her dual accreditation specialist training in Paediatric Critical Care with special interests in Neurocritical Care. She is also a passionate teacher and contributes to undergraduate and postgraduate education. She was awarded the Best Teacher Award and Best Young Clinician Mentor Award the by National University Hospital and Department of Paediatric on many occasions. She is also the current chief registrar, taking the lead in senior residents' manpower and education issues.

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National University Health System
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