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Dr Sabrina Quek Xin Zi

Photo of Dr Sabrina Quek Xin Zi


  • Associate Consultant, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Medicine, National University Hospital


MBBS (S’pore), MRCP (UK), MMed (Gastroenterology)



Clinical Disciplines/Programmes:

Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Medicine


National University Health System, National University Hospital


Dr Sabrina obtained her basic medical degree (MBBS) from the National University of Singapore (NUS) in 2016. She completed her Internal Medicine Residency training at NUH from 2018 to 2021. Dr Sabrina obtained Membership of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of the United Kingdom (MRCP) (UK) in 2020. She then pursued her Senior Residency training in Gastroenterology and Hepatology in NUH from 2021 to 2024, and was accredited as a Gastroenterology and Hepatology specialist in 2024 by the Specialty Accreditation Board (SAB) in Singapore. Her clinical interests are in diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy and in advanced endoscopic procedures such as endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) and endoscopic ultrasound (EUS).

Journals & Publications

1. Lee, Jonathan & Kim, Guowei & Quek, Sabrina & Chia, Daryl & CHUNG, Hyunsoo & SOON, Gwyneth & Lum, Huey & Yang, Yuchen & So, Jimmy & Shabbir, Asim & Ho, Khek. (2024). REAL-TIME CHARACTERIZATION OF GASTRIC PRECANCEROUS AND CANCEROUS LESIONS USING RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY BASED ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) IMAGING. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. 99. AB772-AB773. 10.1016/j.gie.2024.04.1844. (Contributing author) 
2. QUEK, Sabrina & Koo, Chieh Sian & LIU, Lin & LEUNG, Wai & TANG, Raymond & Chung, Hyunsoo & ZHANG, Xuesong & Ichimasa, Katsuro & NGO, Denis & MARALIT, Ruter & DAO, Viet & KHIEN, Vu & DUSEJA, Ajay & Pratap, Nitesh & Lee, Yeong Yeh & RENALDI, Kaka & SIM, Shi & WU, Clement & SO, Jimmy & Lee, Jonathan. (2024). Survey on the perceptions of Asian endoscopists to artificial intelligence. 10.21203/ (First author) 
3. Kudaravalli, Sahith & Huang, Daniel & Yeh, Ming-Lun & Trinh, Lindsey & Tsai, P.C. & Hsu, Yao-Chun & Kam, Leslie & Nguyen, Vy & Ogawa, Eiichi & Lee, Dong & Ito, Takanori & Watanabe, Tsunamasa & Enomoto, Masaru & Preda, Carmen & Ko, Michael & Hui, Rex & Atsukawa, Masanori & Suzuki, Takanori & Marciano, Sebastián & Nguyen, Mindie. (2024). Sex and ethnic disparities in hepatitis B evaluation and treatment across the world. Journal of Hepatology. 10.1016/j.jhep.2024.02.033. (Contributing author)
4. Quek, Sabrina & Lee, Jonathan & Feng, Zhu & Soh, Min & Tokano, Masayuki & Guan, Yeoh & So, Jimmy & Tada, Tomohiro & Koh, Calvin. (2023). Comparing artificial intelligence to humans for endoscopic diagnosis of gastric neoplasia: An external validation study. Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology. 10.1111/jgh.16274. (First author) 
5. Wong YJ, Tran S, Huang CF, Hsu YC, Preda C, Toyoda H, Liu J, Jun DW, Landis C, Huang DQ, Gila A, Negoita L, Yasuda S, Tseng CH, Tsai PC, Uojima H, Nozaki A, Chuma M, Atsukawa M, Ishigami M, Itokawa N, Iio E, Lam CP, Watanabe T, Asai A, Yokohama K, Abe H, Enomoto M, Kawada N, Tamori A, Lee DH, Jun MJ, Do S, Vo DKH, Liu L, Li J, Ji F, Wang W, Li Y, Wang X, Guo F, Xu Q, Jing L, Ye Q, Pan H, Zhang J, Wen X, Wang Q, Ren H, Cai D, Shang J, Liu J, Lu C, Zang W, Li J, Niu J, Zhang M, Wu C, Huang R, Maeda M, Nakanishi A, Yeh ML, Chuang WL, Huang JF, Dai C, Ishikawa T, Takaguchi K, Senoh T, Trinh HN, Takahashi H, Eguchi Y, Quek SXZ, Haga H, Ogawa E, Wong G, Buti M, Fukunishi S, Ueno Y, Yuen MF, Tanaka Y, Lim SG, Cheung R, Yu ML, Nguyen MH. Real-world treatment outcome with protease inhibitor direct-acting antiviral in advanced hepatitis C cirrhosis: a REAL-C study. Hepatol Int. 2023 Jun 5. doi: 10.1007/s12072-023-10547-4. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37273170. (Contributing author) 
6. Koh, Calvin & Quek, Sabrina & Sian, Koo. (2023). Three-dimensional CT reconstruction for visualization of esophageal varices after injection with combined cyanoacrylate and Lipiodol (with video). iGIE. 2. 10.1016/j.igie.2023.04.005. (Contributing author)
7. Quek, Sabrina & Tan, Eunice & Ren, Yi & Muthiah, Mark & Loo, Evelyn & Tham, Elizabeth & Siah, Kewin. (2022). Factors early in life associated with hepatic steatosis. World Journal of Hepatology. 14. 1235-1247. 10.4254/wjh.v14.i6.1235. (Co-First Author) 
8. Tan, Darren & Quek, Sabrina & Yong, Jie Ning & Suresh, Adithya & Koh, Kaiser & Lim, Wen Hui & Quek, Jingxuan & Tang, Ansel & Tan, Caitlyn & Nah, Benjamin & Tan, Eunice & Keitoku, Taisei & Muthiah, Mark & Syn, Nicholas & Ng, Cheng Han & Kim, Beom & Tamaki, Nobuharu & Ho, Cyrus & Loomba, Rohit & Huang, Daniel. (2022). Global Prevalence of Depression and Anxiety in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Clinical and Molecular Hepatology. 10.3350/cmh.2022.0136. (Co-First Author) 
9. Garcia, Elizabeth & Tan, Eunice & Quek, Sabrina & Nerurkar, Sanjna & Teh, Readon & Teng, Margaret & Tran, Andrew & Le, Michael & Yeo, Ee & Wong, Hong-nei & Cheung, Ramsey & Huang, Daniel. (2022). Sa1404: CHARACTERISTICS AND OUTCOMES OF ELDERLY HEPATOCELLULAR CARCINOMA PATIENTS FOLLOWING SURGICAL RESECTION: A META-ANALYSIS OF 44 STUDIES AND 9,778 PATIENTS. Gastroenterology. 162. S-1159. 10.1016/S0016-5085(22)63463-2. (Contributing Author) 
10. Quek, Sabrina & Loo, Evelyn & Demutska, Alla & Chua, Chun En & Kew, Guan & Wong, Scott & Lau, Hui & Low, En & Loh, Tze & Ooi, Shien & Hung, Emily & Rahma, Mrabet & Ghoshal, Uday & Wong, Sunny & Cheung, Cynthia & Syam, Ari & Tan, Niandi & Xiao, Yinglian & Liu, Jin Song & Siah, Kewin. (2021). The Impact of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID 19) pandemic on Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 36. 10.1111/jgh.15466. (Co-First Author)

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