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Dr Andrea Yap

Photo of Dr Andrea Yap


  • Consultant, Department of Anaesthesia, National University Hospital





Special Interests:

Paediatric, Cancer anaesthesia

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Dr Yap graduated from Southampton University Medical School, UK and did her specialist training in both the UK and Australia. Dr Yap specialises in paediatric anaesthesia and has undertaken dedicated paediatric fellowships at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne and Evelina Children’s Hospital in London. Dr Yap was appointed as Chief Fellow during her time at the Royal Children’s Hospital and she worked as a paediatric consultant at the Princess Margaret Hospital for Children, Perth before her appointment at NUH. Dr Yap is an Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS) instructor and has taught on numerous courses throughout Australia.

Dr Yap has an interest in cancer anaesthesia and has worked at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne. She won first prize for her presentation on the ‘Effect of Beta Blockers on Cancer Recurrence and Survival – A Meta-Analysis of Perioperative and Epidemiological Studies’ at the 4th Global Conference on Perioperative Medicine, Care of the Cancer Patient in London. Her publication on ‘Anesthetic technique and cancer outcomes: a meta-analysis of total intravenous versus volatile anesthesia’ in the Canadian Journal of Anesthesia (CJA) was also one of the top 10 mentioned (on social media) and top 10 downloaded papers in 2019.

Dr Yap is a Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists (UK) and a Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists. She is also a member of the Interplast NGO and was a medical volunteer in Mongolia and Myanmar.

Journals & Publications


  1. Thampi S, Lee CCM, Ng BHZ, Yap APA. Considerations for resuscitation and transfer of paediatric patients with COVID-19. Br J Anaesth. 2020
  2. Thampi S, Yap A, Fan L, Ong J. Special considerations for the management of COVID-19 pediatric patients in the operating room and pediatric intensive care unit in a tertiary hospital in Singapore. Paediatr Anaesth. (2020) 30:1-5. 10.1111/pan.1386.
  3. Paramasivan A, Lopez-Olivo MA, Foong TW, Tan YW, Yap APA. Intrathecal dexmedetomidine and postoperative pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Eur J Pain. 2020 Aug;24(7):1215-1227. doi: 10.1002/ejp.1575. Epub 2020 May 22.
  4. Yap A, Lopez-Olivo MA, Dubowitz J, Hiller J, Riedel B; Global Onco-Anesthesia Research Collaboration Group. Anesthetic technique and cancer outcomes: a meta-analysis of total intravenous versus volatile anesthesia. Can J Anesth 2019; 66(5):546-561.
  5. Yap, A, Lopez-Olivo MA, Dubowitz J, Pratt G, Hiller J, Gottumukkala V, Sloan E, Riedel B, Schier R.Effect of Beta Blockers on Cancer Recurrence and Survival - A Meta-Analysis of Perioperative and Epidemiological Studies. Br J Anaesth. 2018; 121(1):45-57

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