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A/Prof Chen Fun Gee

Photo of A/Prof Chen Fun Gee


  • Emeritus Consultant, Department of Anaesthesia, National University Hospital
  • Director of Division of Critical Care, National University Hospital


M.B.B.S (Singapore), MMed (Anaesthesia, Singapore), FFARACS, FANZCA, FAMS



Special Interests:

Surgical Intensive Care

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A/Prof Chen Fun-Gee is a Senior Consultant at the Department of Anaesthesia, National University Hospital, Singapore. He is also the Director of Division of Critical Care, National University Hospital. He overseas accreditation of post-graduate summative examinations and is actively involved in simulation based acute care teaching for the past 18 years.

His current research interests are:

  1. Workbased assessments and learning in residency
  2. Workbased assessments for high stakes examinations
  3. Portfolio assessments for summative examinations
  4. Portfolio assessments for recertification in speciality
  5. Learning using game based simulation
  6. Burnout in residency, factors contributing
He has been invited as speakers in many international conferences and published many papers in international journal.


  • Awarded NFDP fellowship Sept 1988
  • Study leave July 1990 - June 1991 at St. Vincent's Hospital, Sydney
  • Fellowship in Intensive Care Medicine
  • Awarded HMDP Fellowship - June 2003
  • Awarded HMDP (Team Based) Award - July 2010

Journals & Publications

  1. Chen FG, Ti LK, Dong C. Call for a systematic approach to teaching trauma in medical schools. Med Teach. 2016 Jan; 38(1): 101. Epub 2015 Jun 2.
  2. Tan BH, Chen FG, Liu EH, “An evaluation of the laryngeal mask airway supreme in 100 patients.” Anaesthesia and Intensive Care. 2010 May; 38(3): 550-4. (PMID: 20514967; Updated: 9 Dec 2011). Publication no. 0507288.
  3. BSW Ng, RWL Goy, JA Bain, EFG Chen and EHC Liu, "The impact of manual in-line stabilisation on ventilation and visualisation of the glottis with the LMA CTrach: a randomised crossover trial.” Anaesthesia 2009 Aug; 64(8): 8 (2009): 894-898. (United Kingdom).
  4. LK Ti, EFG Chen, GM Tan, WT Tan, JMJ TAN, L SHEN and RWL Goy, "Experiential learning improves the learning and retention of endotracheal intubation." Medical Education 2009 Jul; 43(7): 654-660. (United Kingdom).
  5. EHC Liu, RWL Goy, Y Lim and EFG Chen, "Success of tracheal intubation with intubating laryngeal mask airways: a randomized trial of the LMA Fastrach and LMA CTrach." Anesthesiology 2008 Apr; 108(4): 621-626. (United States).
  6. JA Kazi and EFG Chen, "Effect of Gabapentin on c-Fos expression in the CNS after paw surgery in rats." Journal Of Molecular Neuroscience 2007; 32(3): 228-234. (United States).
  7. JA Kazi and EFG Chen, "Gabapentin completely attenuated the acute morphine induced c-Fos expression in the rat striatum." Journal Of Molecular Neuroscience 2007; 32(1): 47-52. (United States).
  8. EHC Liu, RWL GOY and EFG Chen, "An evaluation of poor LMA CTrach views with a fibreoptic laryngoscope and the effectiveness of corrective measures." British Journal Of Anaesthesia 2006 Dec; 97(6): 878-82. (United Kingdom).
  9. EHC Liu, RWL Goy and EFG Chen, "The LMA CTrach, a new laryngeal mask airway for endotracheal intubation under vision: evaluation in 100 patients." British Journal of Anaesthesia 2006 Mar; 96(3): 396-400. (United Kingdom).
  10. KS Ong, RA Seymour, EFG Chen and VC Ho, "Preoperative ketorolac has a preemptive effect for postoperative third molar surgical pain." International Journal Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery 2004 Dec; 33(8): 771 - 776. (United Kingdom).
  11. EHC Liu, KF Koh and EFG Chen, "Outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome in Singapore and Modifications in the anesthesia service." Anesthesiology 2004 Jun, 100(6): 1629-30. (United States).

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