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Dr Ganesh Kudva Kundadak

Photo of Dr Ganesh Kudva Kundadak


  • Consultant, Department of Psychological Medicine, National University Hospital
  • Consultant, Division of Psychological Medicine, Department of Medicine, Alexandra Hospital


MBBS (Singapore), MRCPsych (UK)



Clinical Disciplines/Programmes:

General Adult Psychiatry

Special Interests:

Gender Dysphoria


Dr Ganesh Kudva graduated from the National University of Singapore Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine in 2011. He obtained his Membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (UK) in 2015, and completed his residency training under the Clinician-Scientist Track in 2020. During the course of his training, he has worked in a myriad of inpatient and outpatient psychiatric settings across various hospitals, including the Institute of Mental Health, Changi General Hospital and the National University Hospital. After completion of his psychiatry training, Dr. Kudva worked as a specialist at the Institute of Mental Health, where he was involved in the Early Psychosis Intervention Programme (EPIP) and ran an inpatient psychiatric ward.

Dr. Kudva’s interest is in General Adult Psychiatry and in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. He has extensive experience in managing psychotic disorders, especially in young people. He also has, due to his work with the Singapore Armed Forces, an interest in Military Psychiatry. He also has a special interest in helping individuals with gender dysphoria, and is a member of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH).

Dr. Kudva is a passionate educator who has taught psychiatry at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. A former Chief Resident of the National Psychiatry Residency Programme, he is now a member of the Psychiatry Residency Clinical Core Faculty and is highly active in guiding residents and preparing them for their postgraduate examinations.

Dr. Kudva was awarded the National Healthcare Group Teaching Award for Junior Doctors in 2019 as a recognition of his efforts in teaching residents. He was also conferred the Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence in 2023 for his efforts in undergraduate medical education.

Dr. Kudva has also been actively involved in research and is widely published in a number of fields such as in suicidology, Covid-19 and its impact on mental health, and in medical education. He retains an interest in better understanding the impact that the pandemic will have on population mental health. 


  • 2019 - AFPA (Asian Federation of Psychiatric Associations) Fellowship Award
  • 2019 - National Healthcare Group Teaching Award for Junior Doctors
  • 2023 – Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence (NUS) (2023)

Journals & Publications

  1. Demographic Variables, Physical Disorders, and Psychiatric Disorders: Results from the Singapore Mental Health Study 2016. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021; 18(8):4365. [IF 3.39]
  2. Roche, GC, Fung, GK, Kudva The state of psychiatric research in the Asia Pacific region. Asia-Pacific Psychiatry. 2021; 13: e12432. [IF 2.54]
  3. Vadivel R, GK Kundadak Mental Health in the post-COVID-19 era: challenges and the way forward. General Psychiatry 2021; 0: e100424. [IF 21.6]
  4. Ransing R, Dashi E, GK Kundadak; COVID-19 anti-vaccine movement and mental health: Challenges and A Way Forward. Asian Journal of Psychiatry 2021; 58: 102614. [IF 3.54]
  5. Harish SS, Kundadak GK, Lee YP, Tang C, Verma SK. A decade of influence in the Singapore youth mental health landscape: The Community Health Assessment Team (CHAT). Singapore Med J. 2021; 62(5):225-229. [IF 1.14]
  6. Kudva KG, El Hayek, et al. Stigma in mental illness: Perspective from eight Asian nations. Asia-Pacific Psychiatry. 2020; e12380. [IF 2.54]
  7. Lee YW, Kudva KG, Soh M, Chew QH, Kang Sim. 2020. Inter-relationships between burnout, personality and coping features in residents within an ACGME-I Accredited Psychiatry Residency Program. Asia-Pacific Psychiatry. 2020; e12413. [IF 2.54]
  8. Ransing R, Kudva KG Mental Health Interventions during the Covid-19 pandemic. A Conceptual Framework from Early Career Psychiatrists. Asian Journal of Psychiatry 2020;51: 102085. [IF 3.54]
  9. Kudva G, Kumar D. Treatment Strategies in Clozapine Resistant Schizophrenia. Journal of Mental Health and Human Behavior. 2016; 21(1): 6-15. [IF ]
  10. Kudva G. Redefining Amok and Other Rampage-Type Culture Bound Syndromes. Asia-Pacific Psychiatry. 2011; 3(4):241 [IF 2.54]

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