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Dr Harish Sivasubramanian

Photo of Dr Harish Sivasubramanian


  • Consultant, Division of Adult Reconstruction and Joint Replacement Surgery, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, National University Hospital
  • Consultant, Division of Hip & Knee Surgery, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital


MBBS (Singapore), MRCS (Edin), MMed (Ortho), FRCSEd (Orth), FAMS (Ortho Surg)


Orthopaedic Surgery

Clinical Disciplines/Programmes:

Hip & Knee Surgery


Dr Harish Sivasubramanian is an Associate Consultant with the Division of Adult Reconstruction and Joint Replacement at the National University Hospital, as well as the Division of Hip & Knee Surgery at Ng Teng Fong General Hospital.

 Dr Harish completed his basic medical education, MBBS, at the National University of Singapore Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine in 2013. In medical school, he visited and learned from the best in Orthopaedics at the Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts under Harvard University, as well as in the Ronald Reagan Medical Center, David Geffen School of Medicine UCLA. He then went onto complete his Housemanship the following year, and was one of the few to be selected early into the prestigious postgraduate Orthopaedic Surgery residency training programme.

In the course of his comprehensive training, Dr Harish was appointed as Member of the Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh) in 2015 and obtained the Master of Medicine (Orthopaedic Surgery) in 2021 from NUS. He completed his specialist training in 2022, and went onto obtain his Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh) in Orthopaedic Surgery that same year. He was also appointed as a Fellow of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore (FAMS). Dr Harish was the top performing Orthopaedic surgeon and is to be awarded the College of Surgeons Gold Medal Award by the Academy of Medicine, Singapore.

Throughout his training years, Dr Harish was exposed to a wide spectrum of Orthopaedic conditions and surgeries, and took a key interest in hip and knee surgery. His particular interest lies in joint reconstruction and sports surgery. To this end, he has completed many cadaveric anatomical courses, arthroscopic as well as complex joint reconstruction and trauma courses, and has also assisted and performed in many complex, corrective joint re-alignment procedures as well as advanced joint reconstruction surgeries. His interests lie in treating degenerative, traumatic and sport-related injuries of the hip and knee region, including joint preservation, cartilage and ligament restoration, osteotomies and joint replacement surgeries.

Dr Harish is also active in research and has published in many peer-reviewed international journals and has presented his research work at international as well as loco-regional Orthopaedic conferences including South-East Asia, Australasia and Europe. Being a part of the Clinical Faculty Scheme at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS, Dr Harish also teaches medical students as well as Orthopaedic trainees on a regular basis.

 Dr Harish believes in the holistic treatment of all his patients and places particular emphasis on evidence-based treatment. He has won multiple service awards as a result. He regularly keeps up to date with the latest evidence and literature, and advocates the best combination of advanced material and biomechanical sciences, navigation and robotic technology for his surgeries.

In his spare time, Dr Harish enjoys football, tennis and running. He also relishes his time in National Service, winning multiple awards, and is currently Officer Commanding in his battalion in the Army.

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National University Health System
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