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Dr Liau Mei Qi May

Photo of Dr Liau Mei Qi May


  • Consultant, Division of Dermatology, Department of Medicine, National University Hospital
  • Consultant, Division of Dermatology, Department of Medicine, Alexandra Hospital


MBChB, MRCP (Int med), M.Med (S'pore), PG-Dip Derm (Distinction)



Clinical Disciplines/Programmes:

Medicine, Paediatric Dermatology (Skin Conditions)

Special Interests:



Dr Liau received her undergraduate medical education at the University of Edinburgh (UK), where she graduated with the Seggie Book Prize for top in Dermatology. She commenced her internal medicine training in NUH and obtained the Membership of the Royal College of Physician of Edinbugh (MRCP, UK). She subsequently pursued her specialist training in Dermatology in Singapore. This culminated in her being awarded the best candidate in the Dermatology Exit Examination by the Chapter of Dermatologists, College of Physicians, Singapore.

She sees all patients with general dermatological problems. Her special interests are in immunobullous diseases and paediatric dermatology. She has published more than 20 articles in peer-reviewed journals and currently serves as core faculty in the Post-Graduate Year 1 (PGY-1) Residency for the Department of Medicine.

Journals & Publications

  1. Liau M.M., Yang, S.S., Tan, K.B. and Aw, C.W.D., 2016. Topical imiquimod in the treatment of extramammary Paget's disease: A 10 year retrospective analysis in an Asian tertiary centre. Dermatologic therapy, 29(6), pp.459-462.
  2. Liau M.M Leong WMS, Tan LXC. "Androgenetic alopecia—Perspective from patients in a Singaporean tertiary Dermatology center." Journal of cosmetic dermatology 19.12 (2020): 3431-3440.
  3. Chai, Z.T., Tan, C., Liau, M.M., Kaur, H., Pang, S.M., Phoon, Y.W., Chandran, N.S. and Lee, H.Y., 2020. Diabetes mellitus and hyperglycemic complications in bullous pemphigoid. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 82(5), pp.1234-1237.
  4. Kaur, H., Liau, M.M., Koh, X.Q., Huang, J. and Tan, C.L., 2020. A case of pemphigus vegetans presenting with hoarseness of voice. Australasian Journal of Dermatology, 61(1), pp.76-78.
  5. Liau, M.M. and Oon, H.H., 2019. Therapeutic drug monitoring of biologics in psoriasis. Biologics: targets & therapy, 13, p.127.
  6. Liau M.M, Long, V., Yang, S., Tan, K. and Aw, D., 2016. Pigmented purpuric dermatosis in Singapore: a clinic-epidemiological characterisation. Hong Kong Journal of Dermatology & Venereology, 24(2), pp.65-69.
  7. Khee, H.J., Liau M.M, Sam, Y.S., Derrick, A.C.W. and Sue-Ann, H., 2017. The efficacy and safety of a 70% glycolic acid peel with vitamin C for the treatment of acne scars. Journal of Surgical Dermatology, 2(4), pp.209-213.
  8. Liau M.M, Sam, Y.S., Jingxiang, H. and Derrick, A.C.W., 2016. Pigmented eccrine poroma of the palm clinically mimicking a seborrheic keratosis. JAAD case reports, 2(2), pp.171-173.
  9. Liau M.M, Hui, T.N.S., Chris, T.L., Vijayan, J. and Chandran, N.S., 2018. Teaching NeuroImages: Facial ulceration in stroke: An unusual and lesser-known complication described by Wallenberg. Neurology, 90(16), pp.e1448-e1449.
  10. Yang, S.S., Long, V., Liau, M.M., Lee, S.H., Toh, M., Teo, J., Tan, C. and Aw, D., 2018. A profile of Propionibacterium acnes resistance and sensitivity at a tertiary dermatological centre in Singapore. The British journal of dermatology, 179(1), pp.200-201.

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