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Adj A/Prof Manjari Lahiri

Photo of Adj A/Prof Manjari Lahiri


  • Senior Consultant, Division of Rheumatology and Allergy, Department of Medicine, National University Hospital
  • Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore


MBBS (AIIMS, Delhi), MD (Medicine) (AIIMS, Delhi), MRCP (UK), FAMS (Rheumatology)


Internal Medicine, Rheumatology

Clinical Disciplines/Programmes:

Medicine, Rheumatology

Special Interests:

Rheumatoid Arthritis, Early Arthritis, Treat to Target, Multidisciplinary Care in Inflammatory Arthritis, Health Services Research, immune related Adverse Events of immunotherapy, Medical education

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A/Prof Lahiri did her basic and postgraduate medical training in Internal Medicine at the prestigious All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India, and obtained membership of the Royal College of Physicians, UK in 2005. A/Prof Lahiri has lived in Singapore since 2001, and joined the National University Hospital in 2004, where she trained as a specialist in Internal Medicine and Rheumatology. She has done a fellowship in rheumatic disease epidemiology at the University of Manchester, UK. She is especially interested in early arthritis, immune-related adverse events from cancer immunotherapy (irAE) and healthcare quality and services research. A/Prof Lahiri has published on risk factors for early rheumatoid arthritis, and is the Principal Investigator (PI) for the Singapore Early Arthritis Cohort (SEAC), an observational study of early inflammatory arthritis in Singapore and the former founding site PI for the Singapore National Biologics Register (SNBR). A/Prof Lahiri has experience in leading the “High Value care” initiative for the University Medicine Cluster (UMC), looking at the outcomes and cost of healthcare delivery, and coordinating departmental efforts towards quality improvement and value driven outcomes (2016-2018) and also the distinction track in quality and innovation, which mentors residents hospital-wide in quality initiatives (2016-2021).

A/Prof Lahiri is passionate about teaching and is the recipient of several teaching awards. She was the Associate Programme Director for the NUHS Internal Medicine Residency Program from 2009 – 2015, and the Programme Director for the Rheumatology Senior Residency Program from 2018-2021. She is now the Director of Undergraduate education for the Department of Medicine, for NUH and National University of Singapore School of Medicine (NUSMed), and the Phase V Director, NUSMed.

A/Prof Lahiri is the immediate past Chairperson (2019 to 2023) and former Vice-Chairperson (2017-2019) of the Chapter of Rheumatologists, College of Physicians, Academy of Medicine, Singapore. She has led many collaborative national initiatives such as guidelines for subsidisation of biologics in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthrtis and psoriatic arthritis respectively, guidelines for care of patients with rheumatic diseases (PRD) during COVID-19, recommendations for vaccination of PRD against COVID-19, recommendations for LTBI testing in PRD starting immunosuppression, and an 8-hospital multi-site registry evaluating flares of rheumatic disease following COVID-19 vaccination.


  • 2025: NUHS Pinnacle excellence award
  • 2024: “Good teacher” award, interactive teaching, Department of Medicine (MBBS, AY 2023/24)
  • 2023: Dean’s award for teaching excellence (AY 2022-23)
  • 2023: "Good teacher" award, didactic teaching, Department of Medicine (MBBS, AY 2022/23)
  • 2023: "Great teacher" award, interactive teaching, Department of Medicine (MBBS, AY 2022/23)
  • 2023: Special recognition award, for being a role model to the Medicine Graduating Class of 2022
  • 2022: "Good teacher" award, didactic teaching, Department of Medicine (MBBS, AY 2021/22)
  • 2022: "Good teacher" award, interactive teaching, Department of Medicine (MBBS, AY 2021/22)
  • 2021: "Great teacher" award, didactic teaching, Department of Medicine (MBBS, AY 2020/21)
  • 2021: "Great teacher" award, interactive teaching, Department of Medicine (MBBS, AY 2020/21)
  • 2020: Department of Medicine Outstanding Tutor award for AY 2019/20 for Phase 3 students.
  • 2020: NUS Medicine Fortitude Award (for significant contributions to teaching while working on the frontline for COVID19).
  • 2020: NUH special commemorative coin for contribution to the Dormitory Operations for migrant workers with COVID19
  • 2019: Passionate Preceptor Society Award, AY2018-2019 Residents' Choice Awards, National University Health System
  • 2019: Junior Research Award (Senior author / Supervisor) for the project "Clinical utility of overnight blood taking" (September 2019)
  • 2018: NUHS-HSR (resident) grant (senior author/ supervisor) for the proposal "Pulmonary rehabilitation after admission for acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease"
  • 2018: University Medicine Cluster (UMC) Outstanding Tutor award for AY 2017/18 for Phase 3 students.

Journals & Publications

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National University Health System
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  • National University Cancer Institute, Singapore
  • National University Heart Centre, Singapore
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  • NUHS Diagnostics
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  • Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
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