Dr Thian Yee Liang is a Senior Consultant with Department of Diagnostic Imaging, NUH and NCIS. He obtained his medical degrees from the National University of Singapore (MBBS), the Royal College of Radiologists, United Kingdom [FRCR(UK)] and the Masters of Medicine (S’pore). He was awarded the Academic Medicine Development Award to sub-specialise in oncologic imaging at the Royal Marsden Hospital, United Kingdom. He has special interests in deep learning, body and functional MRI, and oncologic imaging. He has published clinical and research articles in peer-reviewed international journals in relation to oncologic imaging, functional MRI techniques, and deep learning. His current research focus is the application of deep learning to computer vision problems in radiological imaging, and their translation to clinical practice. He is involved in committees for implementation of next generation EMR radiology systems, and implementation of deep learning architectures for clinical radiology workflows.
Original Research Publications (selected)
Textbook Chapters