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Dr Yuen Yew Sen

Photo of Dr Yuen Yew Sen


  • Consultant, Department of Ophthalmology, National University Hospital
  • Consultant, Department of Ophthalmology, Alexandra Hospital
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore


MBBS (S'pore), MMed (Ophthalmology), FAMS



Clinical Disciplines/Programmes:

Cataract, General Ophthalmology, Retina (Medical), Retina (Surgical), Uveitis


Dr Yuen, an ASEAN scholar who graduated from the National University of Singapore (NUS) in 2008, is currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Ophthalmology, NUS and Consultant in the Department of Ophthalmology, National University Hospital (NUH). He is also the Director of Undergraduate Education for the National University of Singapore's Department of Ophthalmology.

He is an accredited femtosecond laser cataract surgeon with sub-specialty training in both Vitreoretinal Surgery and Uveitis (Ocular Inflammation) and is the recipient of the Ministry of Health - Health Manpower Development Plan (HMDP) award. In this capacity, he has been an invited speaker to both local and international meetings including Euretina and the International Ocular Inflammation Society. 

The bulk of his clinical work lies in the management of complex cataracts usually associated with uveitis patients, medical and surgical management of diabetic eye disease, age-related macular degeneration and retinal detachments. This includes managing referrals for the entire range of complex cataract surgery including small pupils, posterior polar cataracts, subluxed/dislocated lenses, scleral-fixated lenses, brown cataracts and implantation of premium intraocular lenses. He is also adept at the latest techniques in retina surgery including 27G small gauge vitrectomy and scleral buckles, which he acquired during his overseas fellowship with A/Prof Jagjit S Gilhotra, one of the biggest users of 27G vitrectomies in Australia. 

His expertise in retina disorders has been recognised by industry, and he is one of a select few local ophthalmologists invited to the advisory boards of Roche and Bayer. Besides his work at the National University Hospital, he is also an appointed visiting consultant to Khoo Teck Puat Hospital where he contributes to the management of difficult retina, uveitis and cataract cases. 

Apart from his clinical duties, he has been awarded the Junior Doctor Teaching Award and Young Teacher Award for his educational work. He has also been honoured to serve as examiner and admissions interviewer for his alma mater, the NUS School of Medicine. 

He was also part of the Core Faculty for the National University Health System (NUHS) Ophthalmology residency programme involved in training the next generation of ophthalmologists. 

In addition, Dr Yuen is the designated specialist advisor for the National University Polyclinics and runs several well-received courses for his Internal Medicine and Family Medicine colleagues to enhance their capabilities in primary eye care.

He is fluent in English, Mandarin and Malay.


  • 2016, 2017 - Young Teacher Award (Undergraduate Education)

Journals & Publications

1. K. Lai, D Lim, B Lim, Y Yuen, & C Lim, et al. Ticked off: A case of a tick involving the lower eyelid. CJEM. (n.d.). 1-4. doi:10.1017/cem.2019.466.
2. R Agrawal, I Testi, S Mahajan, YS Yuen, A Agarwal, OM Kon, T Barisani-Asenbauer, JH Kempen, A Gupta, DA Jabs, Justine R. Smith, Quan Dong Nguyen, C Pavesio, Vishali Gupta, et al. Collaborative Ocular Tuberculosis Study (COTS) Consensus Guidelines on the Management of Tubercular Uveitis – Report 1: Guidelines for Initiating Anti-Tubercular Therapy in Tubercular Choroiditis,Ophthalmology,2020,ISSN 0161-6420,
3. I Seah, X Zhao, Q Lin, Z Liu, SZZ Su, YS Yuen, W Hunziker, G Lingam, XJ Loh, X Su, et al. Use of biomaterials for sustained delivery of anti-VEGF to treat retinal diseases. Eye (Lond). 2020 Jan 30. doi: 10.1038/s41433-020-0770-y. [Epub ahead of print] Review. PMID: 32001821.
4. WM Wong, C Chee, M Bhargava, C Chai, H Lin, P Zhao, EA Mangunkusumo, N Thet, YS Yuen, TY Wong, X Su, and G Lingam, et al. Systemic Factors Associated with Treatment Response in Diabetic Macular Edema," Journal of Ophthalmology, vol. 2020, Article ID 1875860, 2020.
5. R Agrawal, I Testi, S Mahajan, YS Yuen, A Agarwal, A Rousselot, D Raje, DV Gunasekeran, OM Kon, T Barisani-Asenbauer, JH Kempen, A Gupta, DA Jabs, JR Smith, B Bodaghi, M Zierhut, M DeSmet, P Mc Cluskey, M Agarwal, M Agarwal, K Aggarwal, M Agrawal, H Al-Dhibi, S Androudi, F Asyari, MB Balasundaram, KB Murthy, E Baglivo, A Banker, R Bansal, S Basu, D Behera, J Biswas, E Carreño, L Caspers, SP Chee, R Chhabra, L Cimino, LEC del Rio, ET Cunningham, ALL Curi, D Das, E Denisova, AK Denniston, M Errera, A Fonollosa, A George, DA Goldstein, YG Crosier, A Gurbaxani, A Invernizzi, HM Isa, S Md. Islam, N Jones, D Katoch, M Khairallah, A Khosla, M Kramer, A Kumar, A Kumar, RLD Nora, R Lee, C Lowder, S Luthra, P Mahendradas, D Makhoul, S Mazumdar, S Mehta, E Miserocchi, M Mochizuki, OS Mohamed, C Muccioli, MR Munk, S Murthy, S Narain, H Nascimento, P Neri, M Nguyen, AA Okada, P Ozdal, A Palestine, F Pichi, SR Rathinam, A Schlaen, S Sehgal, HN Sen, A Sharma, K Sharma, SS Shoughy, N Singh, R Singh, M Soheilian, S Sridharan, JE Thorne, C Tappeiner, S Teoh, MS Tognon, I Tugal-Tutkun, M Tyagi, H Uy, DVV Santos, NV Valentincic, M Westcott, R Yanai, BY Alvarez, R Zahedur, QD Nguyen, C Pavesio & V Gupta, et al. The Collaborative Ocular Tuberculosis Study (COTS) Consensus (CON) Group Meeting Proceedings, Ocular Immunology and Inflammation. 2020. DOI: 10.1080/09273948.2020.1716025.
6. R Agrawal, I Testi, B Bodaghi, T Barisani-Asenbauer, P McCluskey, A Agarwal, JH Kempen, A Gupta, JR Smith, MD de Smet, YS Yuen, S Mahajan, OM Kon, QD Nguyen, C Pavesio, V Gupta, et al. Collaborative Ocular Tuberculosis Study Consensus Group. Collaborative Ocular Tuberculosis Study Consensus Guidelines on the Management of Tubercular Uveitis-Report 2: Guidelines for Initiating Antitubercular Therapy in Anterior Uveitis, Intermediate Uveitis, Panuveitis, and Retinal Vasculitis. Ophthalmology. 2020 Jun 27:S0161-6420(20)30598-4. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2020.06.052. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32603726.
7. R Agrawal, A Agarwal, I Testi, S Mahajan, YS Yuen, A Rousselot, QD Nguyen, C Pavesio, V Gupta, et al. Reply. Ophthalmology. 2020 Jul 29:S0161-6420(20)30522-4. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2020.06.005. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32739198.
8. HW Chan, B Yang, W Wong, P Blakeley, I Seah, QSW Tan, H Wang, M Bhargava, HA Lin, CH Chai, EA Mangunkusumo, N Thet, YS Yuen, R Sethi, S Wang, W Hunziker, G Lingam, X Su, et al. A Pilot Study on MicroRNA Profile in Tear Fluid to Predict Response to Anti-VEGF Treatments for Diabetic Macular Edema. J Clin Med. 2020 Sep 10;9(9):E2920. doi: 10.3390/jcm9092920. PMID: 32927780.

Professional Memberships

  • Adjunct Teaching Faculty, Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine
  • Core Faculty, NUHS Ophthalmology Residency Programme
  • Specialist Advisor, National University Polyclinics Specialty Advisory Group - Eye

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National University Health System
  • National University Hospital
  • Ng Teng Fong General Hospital
  • Alexandra Hospital
  • Jurong Community Hospital
  • National University Polyclinics
  • Jurong Medical Centre
  • National University Cancer Institute, Singapore
  • National University Heart Centre, Singapore
  • National University Centre for Oral Health, Singapore
  • NUHS Diagnostics
  • NUHS Pharmacy
  • Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
  • Faculty of Dentistry
  • Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health
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