Health Resources

In-toeing Gait

What is In-toeing Gait?

In children affected by this condition, the feet point inward.

What causes In-toeing Gait?
  • Children under the age of 2, inward curvature of the feet (Metatarsus Adductus)
  • In toddlers, inward twisting of the leg (Tibia Intorsion)
  • In school–age children, malrotation of the thigh bone (Femoral Anteversion)
What are the symptoms?

In severe cases, children may trip easily especially when running.

Treatment options
  • Symptoms may improve over time.
  • Adjust sitting posture
  • In older adolescents with severe in-toeing, thigh bone surgery for de-rotation may be necessary.
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National University Health System
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