Health Resources

Hand Infections

Infections of the Hand

​Being the most exposed part of the body, the hand can be easily infected — usually by bacteria.


​This is an infection occurring around the nail fold, affecting individuals such as housewives, restaurant kitchen helpers, cleaning workers, drink sellers, nail biters and those who have undergone manicure treatmentsEarly stages of paronychia can be treated by antibiotics, with more complex or severe cases likely requiring surgery.



​A felon is a subcutaneous abscess in the distal pulp of the fingertip, typically caused by trauma serving as a portal of entry. Open drainage is necessary and probing is conducted to ensure all involved septal spaces are exposed.


Infective tenosynovitis

​Infection of the tendon sheath is the most important condition among hand infections, as it has the potential to lead to deeper infections involving bone joints and eventually, the blood. The treatment of tenosynovitis involves surgery and intravenous antibiotics, often needing hospitalisation.

Infective tenosynovitis

Septic arthritis and osteomyelitis

Infections affecting the bones and joints of the hand commonly arise from direct penetrating injuries or the spread from adjacent infections. Treatment usually involves surgery and a course of antibiotics over 4-6 weeks. 

Secondary Infections from bites

Hand bites present a common clinical problem, with infections often introduced through self-inflicted nail biting or deliberate bites, including those resulting from a fist coming into contact with teeth. Treatment involves surgery and intravenous antibiotics. Notably, dog and cat bites account for 90% of animal bite infections. However, the incidence of rabies is rare because of urban vaccination programmes for domestic animals.

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