Care at NUH


About Us 
Our department and laboratory provide a comprehensive range of diagnostic services, supported by modern technology and skilled personnel. We cater to the diagnostic needs of numerous medical specialties and play a critical role in patient diagnosis, treatment and monitoring. The department performs more than 40,000 anatomic pathology tests annually. 

Quality Assurance & Accreditation 
The laboratory is accredited by the College of American Pathologists (CAP) and International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). Additionally, the department regularly takes part in the CAP quality assurance schemes. 

Our staff members undergo continuous training and development to ensure they remain updated with current medical trends and advancements in technology. 
Our Team

We have a team of highly qualified, skilled, experienced and dedicated medical, scientific and technical staff. Their collective expertise ensures the delivery of accurate, high-quality and timely diagnostic results. 

Medical staff 

Head of Department      
Associate Professor Tan Soo Yong 

Senior Consultants 


Associate Consultants    

Non-medical staff 

The section heads include: 

Principal Medical Laboratory Scientist 
Echo Lee Li Buay 

Histology Supervisor 
Lin Ruyi 

Cytology Supervisor 
Lim Li Yin 

Immunohistochemistry Supervisor 
Joo Xin Hui 

Diagnostic Molecular Oncology Supervisor 
Wong Zi Wei 

Senior Manager
Rachel Ng

Our Services

Diagnostic Molecular Oncology Centre

Individuals seeking a second opinion at NUH will be required to prepare the following items: 

  • Histology slides and blocks
  • Histopathology report
  • Cover letter from your doctor (including the clinic address) requesting for a second opinion report
  • Bank draft payment in Singapore dollars (SGD) for the second opinion fees and miscellaneous charges made out to National University Hospital (S) Pte Ltd; and 
  • Payment for fees (ranges from basic fee of S$428 to S$2,330 if additional testing is required) 

For more information, please contact us at +65 6772 4029 or +65 6772 6349. 


The histopathology section offers a comprehensive range of diagnostic services covering a wide variety of diseases and systemic pathology.  The scope of services includes: 

  • Routine and specialised surgical pathology work
  • Intra-operative/frozen section consultation
  • Special investigations for renal biopsy, muscle biopsy, skin biopsy, nerve biopsy and liver biopsy
  • Expert consultation for sub-specialty
  • Electron microscopy for renal, muscle and skin biopsies
  • Transplant pathology service (including liver and renal transplant pathology); and 
  • A comprehensive range of histochemical stains. 
  • Neuropathology 

We offer histopathological consultation and a range of ancillary tests for neuropathology cases. In addition, in collaboration with Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at KKH, we offer a seamless request platform for all the ancillary tests for central nervous system tumours performed in both NUH and KKH.  

For details on what we offer and how to use this service, please refer to this downloadable PDF. 
Biomarkers and Molecular Pathology Tests for CNS tumours.pdf 

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This immunohistochemistry section provides a comprehensive range of immunohistochemical services. The recent acquisition of additional automated immunostainers has further expanded our diagnostic and research services, ensuring fast, quality and standardised results. 

Immunoflourescence: Direct immunoflourescence is offered for skin and renal biopsies. 
Muscle enzyme histochemical stain: Standard panel of stains are provided for fresh muscle biopsy. 
Immunohistochemistry: We have over 150 antibodies for the diagnosis and prognosis of various tumours and disease conditions. Some antibodies may not be registered with the Singapore Health Sciences Authority (HSA). All tests have been validated in our laboratory.

In-situ-hybridisation: Offered for selected markers.

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The cytopathology section provides cytopathology services in the following areas: 

  • Gynaecological Cytology: Over 5,000 cervical samples (conventional or liquid-based) are received for screening and diagnosis every year.  We also provide HPV testing. 
  • Non-Gynaecological Cytology: Over 4,000 of these samples are received every year to diagnose tumours or neoplasms, to detect pathogenic agents (e.g., infection) and certain materials (e.g., uric crystals), including body cavity fluids, and washings and brushings from various parts of the body.
  • Ancillary tests such as immunocytochemistry, cell block preparation, molecular markers, flow cytometry and various special stains can be performed on these samples to enhance sensitivity in investigations. 
  • Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) Service: FNA is a quick, minimally invasive test to aspirate diagnostic material from a tumour or lesion. It provides early preliminary results by determining sampling adequacy and is particularly valuable in diagnosing and treating cysts. The laboratory processes over 2,000 FNA samples annually. 

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Diagnostic Molecular Oncology Centre

The Molecular Diagnostic Oncology Centre (DMOC) is a laboratory accredited by the College of American Pathologists, specialising in the molecular diagnostics of solid tumours. Our focus lies in tissue-based molecular diagnosis, offering expertise in integrating tissue morphology, immunohistochemistry, hybridisation techniques and PCR-based technology. 

Established in 2007, DMOC has become a key laboratory for oncology molecular testing in Asia. It aligns with the concept of personalised medicine and offers an array of tests designed to aid in the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of different cancer types. With a current volume of more than 2,500 samples per year, DMOC receives cases from both local public and private hospitals as, well as from overseas institutions. We have also assisted pharmaceutical companies in the development of high-quality molecular testing in the area of personalised/therapeutic medicine and has been the reference laboratory for clinical trials sponsored by the industry. 

Further information on the range of tests offered, requirements for sample submission, turnaround time and costing can be requested from DMOC. Please refer to "Contact Us" for details. 

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Our Research
For more information on research, please visit here.
Contact Us
Operational Hours:


  • 8.30am - 6pm (Monday to Friday) and 9am -1pm (Saturday)


  • 8.30am - 6pm (Monday to Friday) and 9am -1pm (Saturday)


  • 8.30am - 6pm (Monday to Friday)

Diagnostic Molecular Oncology Centre

  • 8.30am - 6pm (Monday to Friday)
Contact Details:

Department of Pathology
National University Hospital
5, Lower Kent Ridge Road
1 Main Building, Level 3
Singapore 119074

For general enquiries (all sections), please contact:
Tel: +65 6772 4029 or +65 6772 6349
Email: [email protected]

For DMOC enquiries (including molecular tests), please contact:
Tel: +65 6516 5825
Email: [email protected]

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National University Health System
  • National University Hospital
  • Ng Teng Fong General Hospital
  • Alexandra Hospital
  • Jurong Community Hospital
  • National University Polyclinics
  • Jurong Medical Centre
  • National University Cancer Institute, Singapore
  • National University Heart Centre, Singapore
  • National University Centre for Oral Health, Singapore
  • NUHS Diagnostics
  • NUHS Pharmacy
  • Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
  • Faculty of Dentistry
  • Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health
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