For corporate enquiries about our occupational health services, please email to [email protected]
Our occupational health services are provided by The Wellness Centre at National University Hospital (NUH).
National University Hospital (NUH)
5, Lower Kent Ridge Road
NUH Main Building, Zone F
Level 2, F02-02
Singapore 119074
Opening hours:
Mon - Thurs: 8:00am - 5:30pm
Fri: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Sat, Sun & PH: Closed
We offer customisable pre-employment, pre-placement and post-retirement medical examinations to ensure your employees are healthy and able to perform their duties safely.
Under the Workplace Safety and Health (Medical Examinations) Regulations, an employer must send their employees for statutory pre-placement and regular medical examinations if they are exposed to the following occupational hazards, including but not limited to:
Periodic examinations are essential to ensure employees who are exposed to specific health hazards remain medically fit. These examinations can also help detect potential occupational health issues.
2. Fitness for Work and Return to Work Assessments
3. Vaccination Programmes
We also offer a wide range of vaccination services for your employees, including but not limited to:
Workers from the following occupations should consider vaccination:
A healthy and safe workplace should have sound and effective policies and programmes in place. We can partner with your workplace safety officer or equivalent to provide targeted advice on the following, including but not limited to:
Apart from advisory efforts, our occupational medicine doctors also conduct training in occupational health protection of your workforce against specific hazards.
5. Workplace Safety and Occupational Health Talks & Workshops
Your employees' awareness about health and safety at the workplace plays an important role in ensuring a healthy and safe workplace. We conduct talks and workshops related to workplace safety and occupational health for employees. This includes topics like managing stress at work, advice on general occupational health, and tips on minimising one's risk of exposure to work hazards.
We can also tailor the topics and approaches of the talks and workshops, depending on your organisation's needs and employee's demographics.
Dr Lim See Ming
Head, NUH Wellness Centre &
Senior Consultant, Occupational Health
NUH's occupational health services is led by Dr Lim See Ming, who is an occupational physician by training. Dr Lim has been working in NUH since his senior residency years in 2015. During his training years, Dr Lim was rotated through various postings, including the Ministry of Manpower, Health Promotion Board, and the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health. He has been involved in various occupational health related works to improve the safety and health of staff. Dr Lim also played a pivotal role in staff health management during COVID-19.