Traditional keto diets tend to be high in saturated fats, increasing cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease. In contrast, NUH Healthy Keto meals, crafted by Chief Dietitian Dr Lim Su Lin, are designed to assist overweight or obese individuals in safely achieving weight loss while maintaining healthy cholesterol levels.
The fibre-rich Healthy Keto diet not only satiates appetites but supports digestion and promotes gut health. With moderate amounts of healthy fats, the diet is low in carbohydrates—restricted to a daily net intake of 50 g or less—to induce ketosis, utilizing stored fat for energy. The programme caters to individual profiles for healthy weight loss.
Benefits and Trial Results
In an ongoing clinical trial spanning six months, participants in the Healthy Keto diet programme have experienced an average weight loss of 7.4 kg. Notably, unlike keto diets associated with increased cholesterol levels, this keto diet programme did not see such increases over the course of a year.
Furthermore, diabetic and pre-diabetic participants reported reduced blood glucose levels, those with hypertension experienced improvements in blood pressure.
Participants who adhered closely to their diets not only reduced their dependence on certain medications but also reported improved quality of life.
The programme consists of two parts:
1. Dietitian workshop (conducted online via Zoom) - Date & Timing: Wednesday OR Friday 12–1pm
Goal setting
Tailored meal plan*
Portion control
Harnessing technology for weight loss**
* Participants are strongly encouraged to substitute lunch and dinner meals with HealthFull Meals for optimal results. HealthFull Meals are healthy keto meals designed by our dietitians to help individuals with weight loss. These calorie- and nutrition-controlled frozen pack meals offer convenient consumption.
2. Four-week mobile app coaching**
Tips and guidance
Timely prompts
Progress monitoring
** You will be required to download and refer to an app during the Zoom workshop. The app is available for download on mobile devices only. Hence, we recommend attending the workshop on a computer or on a different mobile device.
Charges: $118 (before eligible subsidies)
Register for the Zoom workshop with our dietitians here .
Please contact us for more information.
参与国大医院健康生酮饮食计划: 六旬叔减25公斤 三高改善 (Man in his sixties joins NUH Healthy Keto Diet Programme, sheds 25kg and improves on the Three Highs) (PDF, 440 KB)
Shin Min Daily, Page 4, 12 April 2023
国大医院推出健康生酮饮食减肥方法 (NUH introduces healthy ketogenic diet for weight loss)
8world News, 12 April 2023
NUH's healthy keto diet leads to weight loss without increasing bad cholesterol levels (PDF, 577 KB)
The Straits Times, Page A2, 13 April 2023
健康生酮饮食助超重者甩肉 25公斤 (Healthy ketogenic diet helps overweight individual shed 25kg) (PDF, 463 KB)
Lianhe Zaobao, Pages 1 and 4, 13 April 2023
958新闻聊开来: 想减重的朋友看过来! (Capital 958 News Discussion: Attention, those looking to lose weight!)
Capital 958, 14 April 2023
askST: Why is the keto diet popular for weight loss? Is it safe?
The Straits Times, 14 April 2023
Health Check Podcast: Will I lose weight with the Healthy Keto Diet, developed at NUH in Singapore?
The Straits Times Online, 19 April 2023