Care at NUH



NUH nurses embody warmth, passion and excellence, dedicated to providing care with empathy, practicing with integrity and continually striving for excellence. We form an integral part of the healthcare team, collaborating with clinicians, allied health professionals and patients to ensure the delivery of holistic and accountable care with compassion. 

The N.I.C.E (Nurturing Leadership, Innovation, Collaboration and Exemplary practice) nursing professional practice model at NUH encapsulates the essence of our profession and defines the core of being an NUH nurse. We uphold shared ownership and decision-making, empowering nurses at every level to shape and govern their clinical practice. Our professional practice model fosters growth, advances the nursing role, and ensures a high standard of nursing practice at NUH. 


We value the development of our professional nurses to meet the evolving health needs of the population. NUH offers an array of professional training and education sponsorship opportunities to keep our nurses updated with the latest technology, research and evidence-based nursing practices. 

Aspire to build a fulfilling nursing career? We are here to support you on that journey! Find out  more. 

From the Nursing Team at NUH

Nursing @ NUH
Our Nursing Vision

At NUH, nurses are your dedicated healthcare partners, committed to supporting individuals, families and the community in achieving optimal health outcomes across their life journeys

Among the healthcare institutions in Asia, NUH Nursing stands out for its excellence in delivering holistic person-centric care and ensuring seamless care transitions through the promotion and cultivation of a N.I.C.E. culture. 

Professional Practice Model 

Our Professional Practice Model encapsulates the essence of nursing practice, infusing significance into our daily roles. The model unites nursing practice throughout the organisation by embracing shared beliefs, serving as a framework for exemplary professional practice that steers the delivery of care towards achieving outstanding outcomes. 

This model provides a visual representation and unified framework that guides nurses in how they: 

  • Practice 
  • Collaborate 
  • Communicate 
  • Develop professionally 

Our nurses are Proud of Our Care every day. We are committed to delivering the best care through the principles of N.I.C.E. 

N.I.C.E. stands for Nurturing Leaders,Innovative & Knowledge, Collaborative Partners and Exemplary Professionals. The heart in the centre represents the heart of our nurses. United as one, NUH nurses are committed to wholeheartedly caring for our patients, mirroring the care we would provide to our own loved ones. Surrounding it, the acronym N.I.C.E. encapsulates our shared beliefs, communicating the professional standards that guide us to take pride in the care we deliver. 

Professional Practice Model

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Nursing Specialties
Nursing Specialties

As nursing roles expand beyond the traditional hospital settings, nurses now have a broader array of options and increased flexibility. A diverse range of patient care units and medical specialties provide an enriching career environment for nurses seeking growth in bedside nursing. Here are some of the nursing specialties:

Our Peaks of Excellence

Evidence-Based Nursing Unit (EBNU) 

The EBNU is dedicated to empowering and assisting our nurses in applying evidence to practice, facilitating the conduct of systematic reviews and primary research. This unit aids nurses in crafting research proposals, securing grants, and handling Institutional Review Board applications. Additionally, we offer research and evidence-based practice training aimed at influencing practice, governance and policy matters. 


Connecting evidence to practice

About Us
Our milestones

Evidence-Based Nursing Unit (EBNU) milestones

Founded in May 2005, the EBNU was officially launched in 2008. Since then, the unit has consistently advanced its mission, successfully raising awareness and advocating for evidence-based practice among our nursing staff. 



In 2009, NUH, the Evidence-based Nursing Centre and JBI (Adelaide) signed a Memorandum of Understanding in Singapore. Following this, the NUH Nursing department initiated the journey towards evidence-based practice (EBP), collaborating with over 75 entities across 40 countries to enhance healthcare quality and outcomes. In 2014, affirming our commitment, we established our standing as an EBP Centre of Excellence by hosting the 9th Biennial JBI Colloquium for the first time in Singapore. 


THE Nursing Innovation, Clinical Inquiry, Enabling Research (NiCER) AWARD  

Embedded within our vision and mission as an Academic Tertiary Hospital in the National University Health System is the integral role of conducting and translating research, forming a fundamental pillar for delivering high-quality patient care. The launch of the NiCER awards in 2021 marks a significant step in this direction. Our enduring vision is to cultivate and enhance the capability of our nurses in leading nursing research initiatives and driving evidence-based care at NUH. 

For more information on the award and recipients, please click here. 


Advanced Practice Nurse 

NUH boasts a team of Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) with a broad knowledge base, advanced decision-making abilities and clinical competencies that enable extended practice. Trained in the diagnosis and management of common medical conditions, including chronic illnesses, they operate both independently and in collaboration with doctors and other healthcare professionals to deliver comprehensive care to patients. 


Our specialties include:

Critical CareDiabetes CareEmergency CareGeriatric CareMental Health
OrthopaedicPaediatricsPalliative CareOrgan Transplantation 

Advanced Practice Nurse Council 

The NUH Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) Council shapes the evolution of APNs and fosters an academic practice environment within the National University Health System. Our focus spans clinical excellence, leadership, education, consultation and research, which we pursue through the following avenues: 

1.Designing and developing the role of APNs across diverse clinical settings to enhance healthcare service delivery. 

2. Encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration among APNs, both within and beyond NUH. 

3. Promoting and leading the development of research, evidence-based practice and outcomes evaluation related to APN practice. 

4. Nurturing the next generation of nurses in advanced practice nursing to meet the ever-changing healthcare needs. 

5.Representing NUH on matters relating to APN practice across various national and international healthcare platforms. 

The APN Journey, Shared by Cindy Chua

APN Cindy Chua

"I started out as a young and aspiring nurse working in the Surgical General Ward since 1998. Three years later, I pursued my Advanced Diploma in Nursing (Medical-Surgical) and was posted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) upon my graduation. Since then, I stayed on and never looked back. I love the challenges and excitement that the ICU settings brings. I went on to attain my Bachelor's degree at University of Sydney and Master's degree (Advanced Practice Nurse) at the National University of Singapore (NUS). I have been a full-fledged APN since 2010."

Click here for APN Cindy's journey of becoming an APN.

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Our Nursing Education

Transition Programme

A group picture of DGNTP Cohort 3 with the course coordinator, Nurse Educator Moe Oo Khin (5th in the first row on the left) & Nursing Leaders during their graduation in 2024.

Programme NameDiploma Graduate Nurse Transition Programme (DGNTP)

The Diploma Graduate Nurse Transition Programme is uniquely developed to support the role transition and professional development of Diploma graduate nurses who join NUH. The yearly programme started in 2022, with a total of 3 cohorts till date (100 DGNTP graduate nurses).

  • Support professional role transition of Diploma graduate nurses
  • Foster professional socialisation
  • Enhance Clinical Competence
  • Promote Professional Development
  • Foster Confidence and Independence
  • Monthly seminars for 6 months (patient care management, survival skills, skills acquisition)
  • Role Play
  • Case Study Group Discussion
  • Simulation
Duration1 day seminar per month for 6 months
Outcome of programme
  • Successfully completed 3rd cohort
  • Improved graduate nurses’ preparedness and confidence level with clinical performance during their transition phase
  • Educators played a pivotal role to support newly graduate nurses for ‘readiness’ and ‘preparedness’ to provide safe nursing care independently.


A group picture of GNRP Cohort 15 with the course coordinator, Senior Nurse Educator Leta Loh (1st in the third row on the left), during their graduation in 2024.


Programme NameGraduate Nurse Residency Programme (GNRP)
 AimThe Graduate Nurse Residency Programme (GNRP) is the brainchild of Group Chief Nurse (GCN) Dr Catherine Koh and is uniquely developed to support the role transition and professional development of degree graduate nurses who join NUH. The yearly programme started in 2009, with a total of 16 cohorts till date (394 GNRP Nurse Graduates).

Phase I (1-6 months on probation)
Monthly seminars focus on survival skills, skill acquisition and patient care management.

Phase II (7-12 months passed probation)
Monthly seminars focus on integrating skills with patient outcomes and clinical leadership. Discussion on professional development and completion of a final project on evidence-based quality improvement (EBQI).

    Duration1 day seminar per month for 1 year programme
    Outcome of programme

    Supporting new graduate nurses during their first year of practice is important in mitigating the transition shock. Their first-year experience influences their confidence as clinicians and their intention to stay in the nursing practice. Hence, providing support to new graduate nurses could reduce transition shock, job satisfaction, and nursing staff turnover (attrition).

    A review of 10-years GNRP data shows about 70% of GNRP Nurse Graduates are still with NUHS. GNRP was impactful in facilitating new graduate nurses' transition to practice. The programme enhanced new graduate nurses' practice confidence, particularly within the first 6 months.


      Interested in this programme? Join NUH today!


      Mrs Lee Kong Chian Critical Care Nursing Simulation Laboratory 

      Mrs Lee  Kong Chian Critical Care Nursing Simulation Laboratory was launched at NUH on 26th May 2009. Covering an area of 100 square feet, the laboratory features a High Dependency (HD) room and an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) room, meticulously replicated to mirror actual setups. This allows nurses to hone their skills in a simulated environment, enabling them to refine their capabilities before attending to patients. 

      By staying updated with the latest developments in nursing practices and technologies, our nurses are well-prepared to deliver safe and high-quality nursing care to our patients. 

      At NUH, we take pride in our team of highly qualified, dedicated and experienced Nurse Educators. They are committed to addressing the ongoing nursing education and professional development requirements of our nurses. 

      Role Enhancement Courses 

      The NUH Nursing Education Unit offers a range of courses and programmes designed to equip our nurses with the knowledge, skills and competencies necessary to provide safe and effective care. 

      • Life Support Courses:
        • Basic Cardiac Life Support and Automated External Defibrillator (BCLS+AED)
        • Life Support Course for Nurses (LSCN), and
        • Mass Casualty Induction Programme (MCIP)
      • Course on Venepuncture and Intravenous Cannulation
      • Course on Intravenous Administration of Medication
      • Specialised In-Service Training
      • Advanced Emergency Nursing Course
      • Advanced Nursing Course (Medical-Surgical)
      • Advanced Paediatric Nursing Course
      • Cardiac Cardiothoracic - Vascular Nursing Course
      • Critical Care Nursing Course
      • Maternity and Gynaecology Nursing Course 
      • Oncology Nursing Course 
      • Perioperative/Perio-anaesthesia Nursing Course

      Return-to-Nursing (RTN) course

      The RTN Programme is specifically tailored to prepare nurses who have been out of nursing practice for five years or more with the essential knowledge, skills and attitude required to competently and safely resume their practice. 

      Interested individuals or employers who wish to register their employees can reach out to MOH Holdings at  [email protected]

      Nursing Awards
      Congratulations to Nurses' Merit Award recipients 2024!

      Nurses' Merit Award

      BavaniBavani D/O Pannirsilvam

      Nurse Manager
      Emergency Medicine

      Chen YanChen Yan

      Nurse Clinician
      Fan SenFan Sen

      Nurse Manager
      HazbibaHazbiba Binte Rahizad

      Nurse Manager
      Obstetrics & Gynaecology
      Ho Li Fen CarolHo Li Fen Carol

      Assistant Nurse Clinician
      Advanced Practice Nurse
      Hu XiaolingHu Xiaoling

      Nurse Manager
      Operating Theatre
      Kiren TKiren T

      Nurse Manager
      Nur Hayati Mohd HussinNur Hayati Mohd Hussin

      Nurse Manager
      Sharon SukumarSharon Jothimalar Sukumar

      Nurse Manager

      Tee Wee LingTee Wee Ling

      Assistant Nurse Clinician
      Infection Prevention

      Zhang MeixiangZhang Meixiang

      Assistant Nurse Clinician

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      Develop with Us
      Develop with Us

      For more information on nursing career and development opportunities, please click here.
      For more information on sponsorship programmes, please click here.

      Job Opportunities
      [email protected]

      Attachment and Hospital Visits
      [email protected]

      Return-To-Nursing Course and Training Enquiries
      [email protected]

      Useful Links
      Nursing Governing Bodies

      Ready to embark on a fulfilling and rewarding nursing career? Let's begin with the essentials. Click on the links below to explore more about nursing courses offered by local educational institutions.

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      Hear from Our Nursing Community

      SSN Lois Fong

      PEN Adawiyah Binte Abdul Kadir Basharahil

      BCA Olga Myszczyszyn

      BCA Sheela D/o Kunju Kuttan

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      Best viewed with Chrome 79.0, Edge 112.0, Firefox 61.0, Safari 11
      National University Health System
      • National University Hospital
      • Ng Teng Fong General Hospital
      • Alexandra Hospital
      • Jurong Community Hospital
      • National University Polyclinics
      • Jurong Medical Centre
      • National University Cancer Institute, Singapore
      • National University Heart Centre, Singapore
      • National University Centre for Oral Health, Singapore
      • NUHS Diagnostics
      • NUHS Pharmacy
      • Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
      • Faculty of Dentistry
      • Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health
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