We take pride in providing a wealth of high-quality postgraduate and undergraduate education. The educators at the core of our teaching mission are highly distinguished, having received accolades such as the ACGME-I Physician Leader Award, the National Outstanding Clinician Educator Award, and the Dean's Award for Teaching Excellence from NUS Medicine. Our strength lies in collaborative teaching, and we have been recognised with multiple department-level teaching awards, including the Clinical Training Excellence Award from NUS Medicine.
Specialist training: Residency
Our Emergency Medicine residency is a five-year programme accredited by ACGME-I and APMES (Accreditation in Post Graduate Medical Education in Singapore) programme. Upon completing the junior residency, residents are conferred the Master of Medicine in Emergency Medicine and achieve board certification from the Singapore Accreditation Board.
Noteworthy aspects that distinguish our residency include:
Read more about our residency programme here.
We prioritise the training of our non- and pre-specialist doctors and nurses. Our tailored curricula for Advanced Practice Nurses, Emergency Nurses and rotation-based Medical Officers include:
Monthly morbidity and mortality rounds, intra-departmental grand rounds, and regular inter-departmental grand rounds provides a wealth of relevant and well-curated information for the developing clinician. These sessions also offer opportunities to practice searching, appraising and presenting medical literature under faculty guidance.
Here are some feedback from our recent Medical Officers:
"Everyone was very easy to work with and learn from. I've learnt lots and hope to be able to come back and contribute to the department!"
"Curriculum [is] very good, practical sessions were especially useful (eg. intubation, scenarios for ventilation and NIV). I have not met a nicer group of seniors and department as a whole before on all my previous postings".
Post-specialist training: Fellowship and Observership
As part of a tertiary referral centre, our Emergency Medicine specialistsundergo continuous training throughout their careers, mastering the expert management of rare conditions ranging from obstetric and neonatal resuscitation to geriatric care and congenital heart diseases. Our Clinical Fellowship and Clinical Observership programmes have welcomed colleagues from around the globe, including the USA, Saudi Arabia and Estonia, fostering the integration of emergency practice with international exchange.
Learn more about our Hands-off Observership here.
Learn more about our Clinical Fellowship here.
Undergraduate training: Clinical Posting for Medical Students and Electives
As the anchoring department for medical students from the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, we play a fundamental role in shaping their educational experience. Over a four-week period, students engage in a rich array of learning opportunities, establishing a strong foundation small-group bedside patient encounters, didactic lectures, simulations, procedure stations, tutorials and more.
Our popularity among both local and international medical students seeking elective opportunities attests to the high quality of education offered here. Prospective international medical students interested in undertaking electives at NUH Emergency Medicine Department may submit enquiries here.