We provide life-saving intervention and holistic care for severely injured patients following critical accidents and traumatic events. Our team works with a host of multi-disciplinary medical specialties to ensure effective and definitive care for our patients.
Common types of trauma include:
Click to read more about trauma-related conditions: |
Trauma care starts with our pre-hospital services. The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) provides immediate attention to identify injuries and transfer patient to the right hospital for treatment.
The introduction of the Operational Medical Networks Informatics Integrator (OMNII) in August 2021 enhances this process by delivering real-time accident scene information, allowing the hospital to prepare for patient arrival.
The Emergency Medicine Department is crucial for trauma care. The team comprising physicians, nurses, porters, radiographers, radiologists, and surgeons work together during the 'Golden Hour' to provide life-saving interventions and diagnosis.
Stopping the bleed is the primary goal in the acute phase of trauma. The trauma care team come together in the hybrid operating room to arrest bleeding. CODE Trauma, a hyperacute response code, alerts senior clinicians upon patient's arrival, which reduces time to surgery. Our Neurosurgeons provides expedient diagnosis and decompression to patients with traumatic brain injury.
We provide a one-stop centre for complex trauma cases, including obstetric trauma and Extra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) support for patients requiring maximal life support.
Post-surgery care is key to a trauma patient's recovery. Our patients are taken care of by a multi-disciplinary team of professionals working around the clock to provide comprehensive care and treatment.
Rehabilitation starts in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Led by our physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, medical social workers and rehabilitative physicians, they provide assessments and tailored therapy for patients' recovery.
The trauma team ensures that patients have a smooth transition back home with the help of our Regional Health System Office (RHSO) and community hospitals. Our Polyclinics doctors and General Practitioners also support in the transition, while Psychologists and Psychiatrists provide aid in the recovery for post-traumatic stress.
Our survivors are individuals committed to helping each other and injured patients. They inspire and guide other survivors on their journey back to health and healing.