As a tertiary-level referral centre, our department specialises in the treatment of disorders of the bones, joints and the musculoskeletal system in both adults and children. With an increasing number of individuals participating in sporting activities coupled with a rapidly ageing population, the incidence of injuries and degenerative disorders of bones and joints is expected to rise to new highs. Embracing the philosophy "Movement is Life", our department is well-equipped with specialists dedicated to keeping you active and healthy.
We are sub-divided into seven clinical divisions:
Our surgeons usually sub-specialise in the treatment of surgical conditions in one or two of the sub-specialties, ensuring proficiency in their particular field of interest. Our surgeons are supported by a dedicated team of housemen, anaesthetists, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, pharmacists, social workers, case managers, administrators and other allied health staff to provide quality care for our patients.
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