The Head & Neck Surgery team specialises in the treatment of malignant and complex diseases of the head and neck. Over the years, the team has expanded, establishing sub-specialised treatment domains, including transoral robotic surgery, extirpation and reconstruction of head and neck cancers, as well as minimally invasive thyroid therapies. Together with the National Cancer Centre Singapore (NCIS)’s multidisciplinary head and neck service and allied health speech and swallowing therapy units, our team takes the lead in managing malignancies of the upper aerodigestive tract, thyroid and salivary glands, providing a holistic approach to optimise multi-specialty treatment for our patients.
Prof Thomas Loh Kwok Seng
Senior Consultant
A/Prof Raymond Tsang
Senior Consultant
Dr Donovan Eu
Dr Joshua Tay
Dr Lim Wei Sian
Dr Charmaine Tan Si Min