The PICU and HD units in Ward 46 are equipped with 18 single-bedded rooms, which include 11 PICU and 7 HD beds. Out of these, 16 rooms offer negative pressure isolation facilities, while 2 are designed with positive pressured isolation for immunocompromised patients.
As a paediatric Extracorporeal Life Support (ECMO-Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation) centre in Singapore, we provide critical care for children who are severely ill or require mechanical ventilation. Our HD unit also caters to children with elevated care requirements or those dependent on specialised medical technology. Additionally, we provide specialised post-operative surgical care for various procedures, including cardiac, neurosurgical, orthopaedic or general surgery.
Being the only centre in Singapore managing paediatric solid organ transplantation, we support the National University Centre for Organ Transplantation (NUCOT) for liver and renal transplants. We also utilise dialysis (Continuous Veno-venous Haemodialysis or Haemofiltration) as a supportive treatment in the PICU as a bridge to kidney or liver transplant.
In addition to managing the PICU or HD units, our consultants also extend their expertise to moderate sedation services and home care management.
Extracorporeal Life Support (ECMO) Programme
Established in 2009, our paediatric Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) programme offers advanced life support options, including veno-arterial ECMO for cardiac failure cases such as myocarditis and veno-venous ECMO for respiratory failure, including conditions like acute respiratory distress syndrome. Our ECMO data is submitted to the International Extracorporeal Life Support Organisation (ELSO) registry.
Moderate Sedation Service
Our paediatric moderate sedation service is designed to alleviate the physical and emotional trauma for children undergoing certain medical procedures and tests. Prioritising safety above all, our approach lies in using the minimal necessary sedatives and painkillers to effectively complete the procedure. This service is provided by our paediatric critical care team, who also regularly participate in paediatric sedation training courses.
Home Care Service
Initiated in April 2014, the Paediatric Home Care Programme at the Khoo Teck Puat - National University Children's Medical Institute provides optimal care for children and youths with complex medical needs in their own homes. This programme facilitates the transition for patients recovering from critical illnesses in the PICU, as well as supports homebound patients dependent on specialised medical devices. Our medical home visits help deliver quality care within the home setting, offering caregiver training and support. For homebound patients, these regular visits are crucial for optimal management of their complex medical conditions. Early identification and management of medical issues in the home setting can lead to prompt medical interventions and reduce the need for hospital admissions.
Simulation Training
Our team has established a comprehensive simulation training programme for our paediatric residents and nurses, based at the Centre for Healthcare Simulation at the National University of Singapore. In line with our status as a teaching hospital, our paediatric residents engage in weekly mock codes using high-fidelity simulators. These exercises are part of a curriculum focused on managing emergent situations, including cardiopulmonary arrest, upper airway obstruction and multi-trauma scenarios. Additionally, our PICU nursing staff and residents benefit from regular inter-professional training sessions throughout the year.
Family-Centred Care
Understanding the immense stress faced by parents and families with a critically ill child in the PICU or HD unit, we encourage parents to remain close to their child during hospitalisation. To facilitate this, parents have the option to stay at the Ronald McDonald House™ or use the lounge chairs in the Ronald McDonald Family Room™, both conveniently located near the PICU and HD areas.
Additionally, our dedicated family support team, consisting of medical social workers, a palliative care physician and a senior staff nurse, offers counselling and psychosocial support. This team also provides bereavement support for families of critically ill children. Find out more about the Paediatric Supportive and Palliative Care team here.